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27 Settembre 2018
Eric Dufour is on display at “Come look at my town”. The touring exhibition by ArchiMinimal Photography is travelling throughout Italy and shows the work of 38 photographers who have given their interpretation of the city. We are glad to introduce them all. by Alessandra […]
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21 Agosto 2017
Erminio Vanzan is a brilliant, Italian photographer expressing his artistic talent in the architecture and landscape photography, but it is in the Street Photography, approached even in a more graphic and conceptual way, that he is expressing his great potential. by Alessandra Bettoni Photographically speaking, […]
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1 Agosto 2017
Martin Sander è un brillante fotografo tedesco. Eclettico nel suo stile, ha approcciato diversi generi, approdando alla fotografia di architettura e di paesaggio urbano che gli permette di esprimere al meglio la sua, personale visione artistica. di Alessandra Bettoni Martin Sander, classe 1963, vive ad […]
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